Development of production line with integrated UVC light for decontamination


Gea Process Engineering A/S was to supply a cheese powder line to a customer in Europe, where they were to pro-actively come up with a solution that eliminated all conceivable potential risks.
More specifically, they wanted to develop a cheese powder line with an integrated UVC tunnel to decontaminate the 25 kg bags of cheese powder before entering the packing plant.


To prevent contamination from one zone to another, the production line was developed quite specifically with a UVC tunnel that was adapted to the specifications of the entire line in terms of speed and quantity. The dose calculation is performed according to customer-specific requirements. The tunnel is designed to achieve the same dosimetry from all sides.


By developing a UVC tunnel as part of a production line, one can take into account all the conditions of the line and eliminate the potential risks of contamination. The risk of a contaminated end product is eliminated, thus minimizing the risk of large financial losses that product withdrawal entails. Therefore, it is a good investment for both society and the company to incorporate hygiene solutions in new production lines.


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